All Test – Vitamin D detection test
All Test – Vitamin D detection test
Screening (25-0H) of vitamin D level is now considered a “medically necessary screening test” and maintaining adequate levels not only to improve bone health, but to improve overall health and well-being.
Code: OVD-402H
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Vitamin D deficiency has become a global problem in the elderly and remains common in children and adults.
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to several serious diseases. Therefore, detection (25-0H) of vitamin D level is now considered a “medically necessary preventive test” and maintaining adequate levels not only to improve bone health, but to improve overall health and well-being.
Intended for people who tire easily, have poor sun exposure, have limited oral intake or reduced intestinal absorption.
The main symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include: fatigue, muscle weakness, bone and/or joint pain.
- High accuracy
- Easy to use with just one step
- Result in 10 minutes
30-34 Attidon Street, Kallithea
+30 210 9517263
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